Charging for School Activities

Charging for School Activities


The Education Reform Act 1998 states that education provided during school hours must be free of charge. The school therefore, may not charge for any activities which take place in school time, with the exception of instrumental lessons.  The school may charge for activities provided wholly or mainly outside school hours, as long as these activities are optional extras.

The school may charge for activities provided wholly or mainly outside school hours, if these activities are optional extras.

 In order that school activities can take place, the school requests that parents make a voluntary contribution towards a particular aspect of the school’s work e.g. school trips, visiting workshops, consumable items and artefacts etc. No child will be excluded from an activity simply because his or her parents are unwilling or unable to pay. However, if insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund an activity, the planned activity would have to be cancelled.

Families on a low income may be entitled to financial assistance with the cost of school activities and would need to discuss this with the Head Teacher.

Please find a below a link for St Joseph’s Charging Policy.

Charging and Remission Policy 2017