Pastoral Care, Pupil Welfare and Child Protection.
Caring for the Whole Child
At school we are concerned with the ‘whole child’ and not just academic achievement. After all, if your child isn’t happy at school or at home, it is likely that he/she won’t do very well. For this reason, each class teacher will be concerned with how children are getting on with each other and how they get on with adults. If a child appears to be unhappy or different from normal, the class teacher will probably contact you to discuss the matter. Please see teachers after school as before school they are very busy preparing for the school day.
Child Protection
Staff members have a duty to safeguard and promote the well-being of the children in their care. The Local Authority requires that staff refer any serious concerns that they might have about any children to the Head Teacher or a senior member of staff.
To support us in this responsibility it would help if you would keep the school informed of any unusual or serious injuries which your child has suffered and of any circumstances at home which might cause a change in your child’s behaviour at school. This helps to monitor the welfare of our children so we can better meet their needs. Staff may sometimes want to speak with you to clarify the cause of a particular injury, explore any reasons for a marked change in your child’s behaviour, or raise other concerns they may have. Where staff members have serious concerns we are under a legal obligation to make a referral to staff at the Social Services Child Protection Team.
The school has close links with other support agencies. The Educational Welfare Officer, School Nurse and Educational Psychologist are regular visitors to the school and are available to give advice and help if the need arises. We also engage a Home School Support Worker to work with the children and families of local schools. She is available for support, guidance and can refer families on to organisations that may be able to help and advice in a range of circumstances. We also use the services of the Brentwood Diocese Catholic Children’s Society.