Physical Education

Physical Education

Subject Leader: Mr J Cormack

Physical Education at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary

At St Joseph’s we aim to motivate children to become competent and confident in their own individual abilities. We strive to ensure we provide modern and high-quality provision by teaching lessons with clear objectives; whereby children develop both their physical and life skills. Our goal is to deliver a range of activities so children can develop physically and personally. Children are encouraged to create their own targets and goals so that they can strive to achieve their own ‘personal best’. This means they will all achieve something in every lesson.

It is our aim to provide a PE curriculum that includes all pupils, and encourages them to lead an active, heathy lifestyle. During our PE lessons, pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of sports, such as football, netball, hockey, tag-rugby, swimming, badminton, tennis, gymnastics, dance, yoga and orienteering.  We use different schemes at our school to plan lessons, depending on the needs of theclass, individual pupils and current themes and topics. We also use a variety of methods to give pupils that active 30 minutes that they really need in school each day, including ‘5 a day’, which again can be found below.  We also provide a wide variety of sports clubs, before, during and after the school day. These range from archery to basketball and cross country running. Our sports teams such as our football teams include opportunities for both boys and girls and our B team events allow us to include more pupils in representing the school. Our teams are often very successful, competitive and we pride ourselves in the conduct and behaviour of our pupils whenever they represent the school. We also have inter-house competitions in school (e.g. Sports Day, Inter-house football and running) where all pupils have the opportunity to be involved.


Our ‘Change 4 Life’ club is offered to those pupils who may not receive the required amount of exercise either in or out of school. This club is led by our Year 6 Sports Crew.     Click on the icon for more information.


St. Joseph’s is pleased to say that it achieved GOLD in the School Games Mark for its sports provision in school!

For more information, please see click on the icon.


PE Progression Skills.

Physical Education Progression of Key Skills Reception – Year 6

The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. This document demonstrates the 2020 Development Matters prerequisite skills for PE within the national curriculum.

P.E and EYFS
