Email teachers: [email protected] – only for curriculum questions – not for reporting child’s absence/appointments, please email [email protected] Thank you.
You will find guides on how to login to all school software on: Parent Guides. Please keep all software login details safe as they will remain the same throughout your child’s time at St Joseph’s.
Should you have any issues with login/password please contact their teacher via [email protected] or [email protected] Please do not click on forgot/change password as these have been set by the school.
Class Information:
Each week your child will be given a times table to practise in preparation for a weekly assessment on a Friday. This is the same format as their spelling assessment.
In this assessment children will be asked a mixture of times and division questions relating to that times tables e.g. 2 X 3 =, or 12 ÷ 3 =. To give the times tables a real-life context we will ask questions such as I have three five pence coins, how much money do I have in total.
We will repeat times tables over a number of weeks so please do not panic if your child is concerned about not knowing them all straight away.
Times tables is the foundation of many areas of maths and it is essential that your child becomes confident in their use. To support them in this please ensure that they are using TTRS for an average of 3 minutes a day. There are also a number of fun songs on YouTube to help children remember the facts.
In school we also monitor children’s use of TTRS to provide support or challenge where needed. See link below.
The National Curriculum states that children in Year 3 must know their x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8 tables by the end of the academic year.
Common Exception Words – Year 3
The national curriculum in England – English Appendix 1 Spelling
Year 3 PE days are: Wednesday and Thursday
The children will need to come to school in their PE kit (including trainers) – not their normal school uniform. They will wear their PE kit for the whole day. Details of the school P.E. kit can be found on the website School Uniform Regulations September 2024
Please note: Children taking part in after school sports clubs on days when they do not have PE should wear their school uniform to school and bring in their PE kit into school to change into