School Roll and Organisation

School Roll and Organisation

School Roll and Organisation
The current school roll is 420 divided into fourteen classes.

Your child’s time at school is divided into three phases that are known as stages:
The Early Years Foundation Stage is the stage of education for children aged from 3 to 5, and covers previous nursery schooling as well as their Reception Year.
Key Stage One covers Years 1 and 2 (Infants)
Key Stage Two covers Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Juniors)

The classes at St. Joseph’s are not constructed according to the ability of the children. They are generally allocated to a class by date of birth and so that there is a mix of boys and girls. Therefore classes contain children of a variety of abilities.

The school is two forms of entry. That means that there are two classes in each year with 30 children in each class.

Curriculum Organisation

The school aims to provide a happy and secure environment for each child. It seeks to be a community which complements the home and Parish in attempting to live out the values of the Gospel. We ensure that the requirements of the National Curriculum are met and that all children receive a broad and balanced education.

The key elements which comprise the basic curriculum include:

  • The National Curriculum for children of compulsory school age
  • The Foundation Stage Curriculum for Reception pupils
  • Religious Education for all pupils


The National Curriculum comprises:

  • Four ‘core’ subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Information and Computing; as well as…
  • Six foundation subjects: History, Geography, Design and Technology, Physical Education, Art and Music.

As a Catholic school, Religious Education is treated as an additional core subject. Modern Foreign Languages are taught within the school. Italian taught from year 3 to year 6.

These subjects alone are not intended to be a complete curriculum and other aspects will also include Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) – which also includes Citizenship as well as Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).

Homework framework is devised to show progression as the children move from one Key Stage to another. The view was taken that homework tasks should become more specific, more demanding and more complex in nature as children get older.