The Governing Body is made up of Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop, elected parents and staff and representatives from the LA. Governors have particular responsibilities laid down by law and share the task of leadership and management with the Head Teacher.
Governors are volunteers; they act as a ‘critical friend’, monitoring and evaluating the work of the school.
Foundation Governors:
Mrs A. Podmore (Chair), Email: [email protected]
Mrs L. Fletcher, Mr D. Fox, Mrs L. Jones, Mr A. Lewis, Fr Matthew Bemand-Qureshi, Mrs J. Brailey,
Parent Governors:
Mrs J. Cross, Mrs M. Walsh
LA Representative Governor:
Mr M Billings
Co-opted Governor:
Mrs M. Calver
Staff Governor:
Mrs D Durell
Head Teacher Governor:
Mr Michael Ross
Please find below the Register of Governors.