St. Joseph’s is part of the Brentwood Diocese, in the deanery of Havering. The Havering Deanery of Catholic Schools were founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given to Catholic children in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed in the Admissions Policy which you will find linked below. St. Joseph’s is conducted by our governing body as part of the Catholic Church, following its rules, and aim to always reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils, where Catholic and practice permeates every aspect of the school’s activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education be fully supported by all families in the school. We therefore hope that all parents will give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school. This does not affect the right of an applicant who is not Catholic to apply for and be admitted to a place at the school in accordance with the admission arrangements. The governing body is the admission authority and has responsibility for admissions.
The governing body has set our admission number to the reception year in the school year which begins in September 2025. We therefore have 60 places for pupils, across two classes for the next academic year.
We held an Open Evening for prospective applicants for Reception on 2nd October 2024.
If you were unable to attend this evening but would still like to view our school, we can offer additional tours on Wednesday 27th November at 9:30am and Wednesday 8th January at 2pm. If you would like a place on either of these tours, please contact the school office by telephone (01708 220277) or email (
The application process for 2025 – 2026 admissions will open from 1st September 2024 and close on 15th January 2025.
All applicants must complete their Local Authority Online Common Application Form between 1st September 2024 and 15th January 2025.
If you are a Havering resident, you will need to apply online through the Havering website.
Completed Supplementary Information Forms (SIF) and additional information must be brought directly to the school office by 3pm on 15th January 2025. Please note that we will only accept ORIGINAL documents. Further details to follow.
Please see information below to help you with your application:
Click on the links below to view our admissions criteria and Supplementary Information Form. Please apply directly to the local authority Havering In Year Admissions and provide supplementary information to the school office. Please note that we will only accept ORIGINAL documents. We ask that you avoid busy times and come to the office between 9:30am to 10:30am (Monday to Friday) and 1:45pm to 2:30pm (Monday to Thursday).
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2024-2025
Catholic applicants: If you are a practising Catholic, please note that you are now not required to submit a Certificate of Catholic Practice as part of your application.
Should you have any questions regarding the process, please contact the school office 01708 220277 or email
Parish Boundary Maps for the Deanery of Havering, St Joseph’s Parish and English Martyr’s Parish.
St Joseph’s Upminster RM14 2SY
English Martyrs Hornchurch RM12 6BJ
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School has a Service Level Agreement with Havering Admissions, who organise and manage the process and deadlines for appeals hearings. To view the appeals deadlines please click on the link below: